Friday, 8 April 2011
Magazine cover
This is our final magazine cover. It has changed alot since we did our fist draft that i posted before, it went from being a black background to a white background. This is as when we took our photos of us for the magazine cover we were against a light background and we couldnt make it fit in well with our first magazine design. we were going to cut us out the image but we thought it still wouldnt look right on the ack background.
we kept to using red with black and white so we are still sticking to a horror theme. we have also included a barcode, taglines, pricing, other advertisments which are neccesary to have on a front cover of a magazine. We also kept to using the same Empire Logo so its as real to life as the empire magaizne.
i am happy with our final design the text fits well with the image and the idea of having the stars behind the making of the film is a different way to advertise the film without doing it directly.
Monday, 4 April 2011
photos for our magazine cover
Today katie kate and i had to take some photos that we could use as an image on our front cover. we took about 5 different ones from different angles this was to see which would look better on our front cover. We each were in the photo as the magazine cover is about the stars behind the making of our film. in the picture we each held a prop that had significance to being a film producer etc.. such as a tripod, light and a clapper board. We stood against a white background for the photo as it will make it easier for us when it comes to inputting text onto our front cover. When we chose our image we went onto photoshop to adjust the brightness of our image to make it have a better effect. Now we just have to make some final edits and adjustments then our cover will be done.
Monday, 28 March 2011
Starting our magazine cover
Today we are going to start designing our magazine cover, we are going to base it on Empire magazine. we will have to find a suitable image to put on the front cover, it has to be different than the one we used for our teaser poster.
We are sticking to a black, red and white colour scheme to make it link to our horror theme and also Empire magazine usually have a certain colour scheme for their magazine to relate to what they are advertising on the front.
We have started designing the layout, added title, website tagline and barcode, now we are just inputting other advertisements and we have to find an image that will go.
We are sticking to a black, red and white colour scheme to make it link to our horror theme and also Empire magazine usually have a certain colour scheme for their magazine to relate to what they are advertising on the front.
We have started designing the layout, added title, website tagline and barcode, now we are just inputting other advertisements and we have to find an image that will go.
Final poster
This is our final design for our Trailer poster.
We have added some reviews to make our poster more appealing to an audience, if the audience saw that it had got given four or five stars then they would think it was a good film and more likely want to see it, As the reviews are also by two major entertainment magazines this would make the audience believe it.
We also included our Tagline, 'Whats out there?' to give people a sense of suspense and to wonder what the film would be about. This tagline is really catchy and people will remember it.
Finally the image grabs peoples attention as it is a close up, and you can tell that the girl in the image is scared. The fact that the eye is looking towards of the top of the magazine also draws the reader back to the Film Title.
Monday, 14 March 2011
Feedback Results
Kate has uploaded onto her blog the results from the feedback we got from showing our trailer in our class. she has graphed the data so we can clearly see what the answers are from each question.
Youtube comment
I went back onto our youtube page to see if our trailer has had anymore comments or views.
There was one more comment added which gave positive feedback, although it did lack detail of what they actually thought of the trailer, by saying it was good this makes us happy as we know that our hard work in making the trailer has paid off and is effective.
The video also has had 61 views which is good as the only way we have let people know about our trailer, other than what we have shown to our class is through twitter.
There was one more comment added which gave positive feedback, although it did lack detail of what they actually thought of the trailer, by saying it was good this makes us happy as we know that our hard work in making the trailer has paid off and is effective.
The video also has had 61 views which is good as the only way we have let people know about our trailer, other than what we have shown to our class is through twitter.
Showing our trailer
last lesson we had our trailer shown on the big screen in front of our class. We produced a feedback sheet for the audience to say what they thought of our trailer. The questions we asked were:
1.From watching this trailer can you see what genre it is?
2.Did you like it?
3.What would you change about it?
4.Would you see it at the cinema?
5.What did you remember from the trailer?What stood out?
6.Did you understand the plot?
By asking these types of questions we get an overall idea of what was good, what was bad and if our trailer would be a success.
1.From watching this trailer can you see what genre it is?
2.Did you like it?
3.What would you change about it?
4.Would you see it at the cinema?
5.What did you remember from the trailer?What stood out?
6.Did you understand the plot?
By asking these types of questions we get an overall idea of what was good, what was bad and if our trailer would be a success.
Monday, 7 March 2011
Advertising poster
Here we used CBS outdoor website to create a advertisement to advertise our trailer. this is to see how it would look if it was out there on the streets to see if it would be eye capturing and if it will give the effect off that we want, which it to capture the audience and make them want to see this trailer.
Trailer poster
This is our first draft for our poster. It contains the title of our film, The Unknown. The main tagline, Whats out there, And at the bottom of the poster it states that its coming soon, this is to grab peoples attention as they would now keep looking out for more posters which have a release date. the main image is really eye capturing and clearly states that the film is a horror. we still have to make small changes to our poster, such as we have to neaten up the image, add credits, put the release date and we could add some reviews or ratings.
Monday, 14 February 2011
Plan for poster
Here is a quick plan of how our poster is going to be set out, it follows conventions of other movie posters which means it should be quite effective when we have our final result.
we have stated the movie title at the top of the poster, followed by our main image, which will take up the entire background. At the bottom of the poster is the date the movie will be released along with the writers and producers names.
next we will create a draft version of our poster using images we have took and see if it works well using this layout.
we have stated the movie title at the top of the poster, followed by our main image, which will take up the entire background. At the bottom of the poster is the date the movie will be released along with the writers and producers names.
next we will create a draft version of our poster using images we have took and see if it works well using this layout.

Kate has took some photos of herself for us to use when designing our poster and magazine cover. she has uploaded them onto her blog so we can all gain access to them. the photos are close ups of her face and they are really effective, there is also some variation between each photo meaning we have a good choice to chose from. These are two examples of the pictures she took.
magazine research
Today i started looking at how magazines have advertised certain films. this is because we will be designing our own magazine front cover. we will be looking at the codes and conventions of the magazines and apply them to ours.
This magazine cover is from Empire magazine promoting Terminator salvation movie. The use of the main image is good on this as this is what we decided on how we want ours to be with only half a face showing on the front cover. The eye contact from the actor, Christian Bale works well as it really captures the readers attention. the use of the shadow over one side of his face lets also know that theres a dark side to the film.The use of dark colours such as the black and red give the film a real action blood and violence feel, this relates to Terminator so we will have to make sure our use of colours relate to our film. also having advertisements and taglines also help with making the front cover appeal to an audience, and these are all things that we will include on our front cover.

Monday, 31 January 2011
Poster Research
For our further tasks we have to create a poster for our film. Today we started looking at posters for horror films to get an idea on how our poster is going to look. Here i have looked at a few different horror posters which each of them has aspects that we could use:
This poster is from 'The Descent'.
This poster is from 'The Descent'.
- Dark background, really effective gives the viewer a sense of suspense and fear.
- The image on the left is unclear, makes the viewer wonder what it is, the image has a creepy vibe to it, this will make the viewer want to find out whats going on.
- From the director of 'Dog Soldiers' a film that has done well in the past, shows that this film will follow in doing well as has the same director.
- Tagline, 'Face your deepest fear' this is a catchy tagline as this will draw people in to want to face there own fear.
This is the poster for "a Nightmare on Elm Street".
- Dark, bloody background, blends in with the main image of Freddy Krueger. This gives the sense that the movie is quite gory and bloody.
- Freddy Krueger is the main character, used as the main image on our poster, could take this idea and use it in our poster.
- "Welcome to your new nightmare" this tagline will attract people in as they might want to see if it will challenge was they thought was there worst nightmare.
- this is a more bloody movie than our trailer but we could use some different features from this posters layout.
This poster is from the Blair witch Project.
- This poster is more suitable to our trailer, as our overall storyline is along similar lines to the Blair Witch Project.
- The use of the actors face creeping up from the bottom of the poster is really effective as it shows she is afraid.
- The use of the woods in the background gives an idea of where it takes place, this could be useful for us to use as it would attract people to watch the film as they know it will be creepy.
As we have now uploaded our video to youtube we have posted links to let people know about our trailer to try and get some feedback from them about what they think of it. Any feedback is good feedback for us.
we have 2 comments on our youtube page.
we also have 1 person that have liked our video, this is good for us as it lets us know that people have liked viewing our trailer. the feedback we got through the comment is also useful to us as they have left us some constructive criticism, but i believe they thought it was a full trailer, which means now we should state that it is a teaser trailer.
Kate and Katie also had some comments posted on their trailer blog entry.
we have 2 comments on our youtube page.
we also have 1 person that have liked our video, this is good for us as it lets us know that people have liked viewing our trailer. the feedback we got through the comment is also useful to us as they have left us some constructive criticism, but i believe they thought it was a full trailer, which means now we should state that it is a teaser trailer.
Kate and Katie also had some comments posted on their trailer blog entry.
The comments in grey were left on Katie's blog page, giving us positive feedback to our trailer as the two people who left the comments really liked it.
The comment in orange was left on Kate's blog, it also gives us some positive feedback which is good as we now see that our trailer is very effective
Monday, 24 January 2011
Uploading our trailer to YouTube
we created our own youtube account A2mediakkt, and uploaded our saved video into our account. the next step that we took was to 'Share' the video onto Blogger where it can be viewed on youtube and on each of our individual blogs.
We now have to let people know about our trailer for them to give us feedback on what they think of it. To get people to know about it i have put a link to the video on my twitter account. below is a screen grab on the news feed of my twitter page.
Monday, 17 January 2011
Editing trailer 3
Today we showed our lecturer paul the footage that we have edited so far which is 1minute 13 seconds long. this included all our completed footage, with the title certificate, lionsgate logo, fades between two scenes and the title of our movie followed by a Coming soon screen and our 'movie website', paul really like our trailer and commented on how we have a good use of sound effects over our clips. paul also suggested some more editing tips for us to include.
- include a fade between the clip of the 3 girls walking and the first text clip
- include a fade just before the second piece of text
- add the ambient sound that we have used over some of our clips to the clips with no sound
- make the first and second text clips the same font
To make our trailer seem more true to life we researched some movie trailers to see what features they included. We found that they all had a movie certificate title shot at the beginning of the trailer. This is an american certificate, labelled restricted which is what we need to have for our trailer as it is a horror. We will input this into our trailer followed by a fade to black, this would make it look more realistic as a trailer.
Trailers also included a logo screen of the company that produced the movie. we chose Lionsgate as it fits with our genre and is a corporation that it responsible for some box office horror hits, such as american psycho and Saw. As we would like to think our movie would be a success in the box office we decided to use this Lionsgate logo in our trailer, it will appear after the fade to back from the certificate shot, as this is how other movie trailers has there sequence of events.
Trailers also included a logo screen of the company that produced the movie. we chose Lionsgate as it fits with our genre and is a corporation that it responsible for some box office horror hits, such as american psycho and Saw. As we would like to think our movie would be a success in the box office we decided to use this Lionsgate logo in our trailer, it will appear after the fade to back from the certificate shot, as this is how other movie trailers has there sequence of events.
Monday, 10 January 2011
music research
Today we were looking for music that we could have as a backing track throughout our trailer. We are only using music that is copyright free, the website that we used was there was many music clips to chose from in the horror genre but we needed to make sure they linked into to the paranormal theme that we are using and also to our storyline of 3 girls being lost in a forest. this is one sound effect we chose call horror_ambient its quite creepy sounding and make you feel in suspense that something is going to happen shortly after the music has stopped. when the clip is playing you can also imagine that this would be the kind of music playing if you were lost in a scary forest in the darkness. this is one scream we looked at to play at the end when the clip of the 3 girls are running away, we did think that the scream was not scary sounding enough to fit in with our trailer. This scream is still an option but we are most likely going to try and find another scream that will be more suited. This is a clip of an owl that we will add into our trailer somewhere just to give the forest a gloomy feel at night as owls will be around where the location of the forest is.
we will input these into our trailer to see how they sound alongside each scene of our trailer, and if they give the right effect to our trailer that we want. we may go back onto to research some more later on. this is one sound effect we chose call horror_ambient its quite creepy sounding and make you feel in suspense that something is going to happen shortly after the music has stopped. when the clip is playing you can also imagine that this would be the kind of music playing if you were lost in a scary forest in the darkness. this is one scream we looked at to play at the end when the clip of the 3 girls are running away, we did think that the scream was not scary sounding enough to fit in with our trailer. This scream is still an option but we are most likely going to try and find another scream that will be more suited. This is a clip of an owl that we will add into our trailer somewhere just to give the forest a gloomy feel at night as owls will be around where the location of the forest is.
we will input these into our trailer to see how they sound alongside each scene of our trailer, and if they give the right effect to our trailer that we want. we may go back onto to research some more later on.
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