Monday 20 September 2010

Chosen genre. Horror

Devil is a new film out in September 2010.
When watching the trailer as a viewer I can automatically see that there are no huge well known movie stars present in the film, the actors used have usually been a small role in a well known movie or have had a main part in a smaller independent movie or t.v series so they will be recognisable to some but not to others, the film made $12,289,375 on opening weekend in the US which is good for this film. But when watching the trailer the fact that it doesn’t have well known movie stars doesn’t affect whether I want to see the film or not as the plot and storyline grabs your attention.  

The plot of the film is that five strangers get trapped in an elevator and realise that someone among them is the Devil, what is a usual day at work takes a sudden detour into terror when the elevator becomes stuck between floors. it is then when the passengers discover that the Devil does exist, and he's standing right before them. As emergency services work frantically to free them, some secrets are revealed and the passengers realise their only hope for survival is to confront their darkest sins in front of the others.

The first minute of the film the music is just a piano playing a piece of eery music, this music is to let the viewer know that the usual events that are happening while this piece of music is playing is leading up to   something unusual and tense that is about to happen. The music suddenly stops when the last person to get into the elevator nearly misses it. After that sequence of music there is no more music played throughout only sound effects, in the final around 15 seconds the trailer is silent all that you can here is 5 beeps (elevator beeps) where the trailer cuts to different events that happen in the film.

At the start of the trailer their is a view of the city, the city is upside down this could of been edited like that to show that something unusual is going to happen, and its not a normal day when it cuts to the people at work waiting for the elevator the scene is in slow motion as the elevator doors open and they turn to face the elevator, this grabs the audience by focusing on the elevator showing that this is what the film is based around.

The trailer uses a lot of computer graphics such as, when New York City is upside down to begin with, there is also text that appears to let the audience know what the trailer is also about from text and not just the trailer itself. This makes the trailer even more appealing as it has more time taken on it to get it as affective to the audience as possible.

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