Monday 29 November 2010

imovie session

(image of the amount of footage we kept)
Today we uploaded our footage that we filmed to a portable hard drive and saved it to the mac. We then used imovie, uploaded our footage and watched it through. We then went on to imovie help where we watched some video tutorials so we can find out how we use imovie we watched clips to show us how to edit and cut, use transitions and add music all the features that we would need to have in our trailer.
We found that we had quite a bit of footage that couldn't be used as the picture wasn't that good, we cut our footage down and we ended up with about 20 seconds of footage, we did not edit this anymore as we need to film some more footage.
Shots we need are:

  • Scenes of panic by the Characters
  • location shots of the woods
  • chasing/running shot
  • screams 
  • End shot (Camera on ground showing someone else there)
We are going to carry on filming on 10th of november.


Today i looked at some fonts that i would think would work well for the title of our trailer. I wanted each of the fonts to be effective without being to much and these three fonts are quite effective and bold, they all would work well within our trailer or on our poster.

we will choose one of these fonts to use in our trailer if we can to show the title of our film. this will be shown for 5 seconds before the last clip of the trailer is played. 

Filming trailer

(image of the footage we shot)
On wednesday october 27th our group went out to Foxes forest to start filming our trailer, when we arrived at the location we scouted out which parts of the forrest and the surrounding area would be most affectivtive to shoot in. We filmed some long shots of our actors walking in the woods at the strat bt we had some trouble with the camera we was using. The camera was not picking up the picture in the dark, even with our torches shined on them, it was only when we were in well lit places that the picture was clear. We did manage to film some footage but we dont no how effective it will be, one day after college in the coming week we are going to film some more footage ready for our lesson.

Monday 22 November 2010

Possible Movie names

We had a production meeting today to discuss possible title for our movie.

  • The Woods
  • Alone
  • Haunted
  • nowhere to hide
  • The unknown 
  • Hidden
We put together a questionnaire listing these possible movie titles and asked to get feedback from people in our class to see which one they would work best and be the most effective.

The results of the questionnaire showed that the movie title: The Unknown, came out as the most popular choice. This is what we also thought would work the best for our trailer as it is the one which sounds most like a title that people would want to watch.

Here is a copy of our questionnaire showing the results.


There are three friends that decide they want to go on a camping trip to a forrest that from others they heard is haunted, and that anyone who goes there has strange things happen to them. The  friends dont believe in this story that they have heard but decide to go there anyway and not take what they have heard from others seriously. They decide to go exploring after they have found where they are going to camp and take there video camera with them to prove to others nothing strange is going to happen. However as they are walking through the forrest and filming they start to hear strange noises and think they see things in the woods, they each act brave and show they are not scared, but really they are all worrying. As it gets further and further into the night even more starnge things start to occur and they are left trapped and scared. The film ends with them seeing whats been haunting them and them dropping the camera to run away. The end shot is of their feet running away and screaming.

Monday 15 November 2010

indication of narrative in the trailer.

These are a few scenes that i grabbed from the Devil movie Trailer to show how the narrative comes across to the viewers.

This is the first scene that i think shows indication of the narrative of the movie as its first main focus is on the doors opening of the elevator, This tells the viewer that the movie is based around the elevator, and that the plot s based around what happens in there.

This is the second scene that lets us know who are going to be the main cast in the movie, and that maybe that person who caught the lift just in time really wished he didn't, or that he has something to do with what goes on.

The Third scene that i thought indicated the narrative, as it shows that the lift has stopped on level 6, this relates back to the Devil number 666 and this is where the movie starts developing as the viewer now knows where what and who the movie involves.