Monday 22 November 2010


There are three friends that decide they want to go on a camping trip to a forrest that from others they heard is haunted, and that anyone who goes there has strange things happen to them. The  friends dont believe in this story that they have heard but decide to go there anyway and not take what they have heard from others seriously. They decide to go exploring after they have found where they are going to camp and take there video camera with them to prove to others nothing strange is going to happen. However as they are walking through the forrest and filming they start to hear strange noises and think they see things in the woods, they each act brave and show they are not scared, but really they are all worrying. As it gets further and further into the night even more starnge things start to occur and they are left trapped and scared. The film ends with them seeing whats been haunting them and them dropping the camera to run away. The end shot is of their feet running away and screaming.

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