Sunday 31 October 2010

Devil Movie poster

This is a movie poster for the Devil film, Devil is about five strangers that get trapped in an elevator and strange things start to happen to them. one of them is hurting others in the elevator but knowone knows who that is. 
The first thing that i notice is that the poster is very dark, this would be to give the poster a haunting feel to it. With the elevator on the front of the poster the audience automatically knows that the film would be based around, And with the elevator having the red cross running through the gaps it creates that link to the devil as it resembles to the devils pitchfork.
 The use of the red devil symbol is really affective as it draws the view in then at the bottom of the elevator it links on to the title of the film.
The coverline at the top of the poster ' Five strangers trapped. one of  them is not what they seem.' is a really eye catching sentence as it makes you want to know why are they not what they seem? the general public would relate to this could happen to anyone.
The elevator also has a 6 as the number floor it was on this is also there to relate to the devil as the devils number is 666, all these little details make the poster even more effective.

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