Monday 18 October 2010

Production meeting

Our group come together for a meeting with our lecturer  to discuss some ideas for our trailer. We went over a range of elements so that our trailer will some together as planned, we discussed writing a synopsis which would basically outline the plot for our film, we talked about the characters, which there will be 3 female actors then we discussed whether we are going to have the characters within our trailer be scripted or improvised. We have decided that there will be a small scripted bit in it but that most of the audio would be improvised or with a backing track.
The location we decided on is Foxes Forest in Portsmouth which has some great features that would really make our trailer effective. As i did not know this area i used google street maps to have a look where it was and what it was like, which i then thought it would be an ideal place to shoot our trailer.
We will begin shooting our trailer in the october half term, ready for our first week back at college.
this is just a brief plan of what is going to happen, we will plan it in more detail when all he ideas have been confirmed.

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