Monday 17 January 2011

Editing trailer 3

Today we showed our lecturer paul the footage that we have edited so far which is 1minute 13 seconds long. this included all our completed footage, with the title certificate, lionsgate logo, fades between two scenes and the title of our movie followed by a Coming soon screen and our 'movie website', paul really like our trailer and commented on how we have a good use of sound effects over our clips. paul also suggested some more editing tips for us to include.

  • include a fade between the clip of the 3 girls walking and the first text clip
  • include a fade just before the second piece of text
  • add the ambient sound that we have used over some of our clips to the clips with no sound
  • make the first and second text clips the same font
These little changes will benefit us in making our trailer look and sound as good as possible.

We have now made them changes and also managed to used the font that we downloaded for out movie title, The Unknown as we didn't know how to use it before.
this is what the movie title looks like.

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