Monday 17 January 2011


 To make our trailer seem more true to life we researched some movie trailers to see what features they included. We found that they all had a movie certificate title shot at the beginning of the trailer. This is an american certificate, labelled restricted which is what we need to have for our trailer as it is a horror. We will input this into our trailer followed by a fade to black, this would make it look more realistic as a trailer.
Trailers also included a logo screen of the company that produced the movie. we chose Lionsgate as it fits with our genre and is a corporation that it responsible for some box office horror hits, such as american psycho and Saw. As we would like to think our movie would be a success in the box office we decided to use this Lionsgate logo in our trailer, it will appear after the fade to back from the certificate shot, as this is how other movie trailers has there sequence of events.

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