Monday 31 January 2011

Poster Research

For our further tasks we have to create a poster for our film. Today we started looking at posters for horror films to get an idea on how our poster is going to look. Here i have looked at a few different horror posters which each of them has aspects that we could use:

This poster is from 'The Descent'.

  • Dark background, really effective gives the viewer a sense of suspense and fear.
  • The image on the left is unclear, makes the viewer wonder what it is, the image has a creepy vibe to it, this will make the viewer want to find out whats going on.
  • From the director of 'Dog Soldiers' a film that has done well in the past, shows that this film will follow in doing well as has the same director. 
  • Tagline, 'Face your deepest fear' this is a catchy tagline as this will draw people in to want to face there own fear.
This is the poster for  "a Nightmare on Elm Street". 

  • Dark, bloody background, blends in with the main image of Freddy Krueger. This gives the sense that the movie is quite gory and bloody.
  •  Freddy Krueger is the main character, used as the main image on our poster, could take this idea and use it in our poster. 
  • "Welcome to your new nightmare" this tagline will attract people in as they might want to see if it will challenge was they thought was there worst nightmare. 
  • this is a more bloody movie than our trailer but we could use some different features from this posters layout.
This poster is from the Blair witch Project. 

  • This poster is more suitable to our trailer, as our overall storyline is along similar lines to the Blair Witch Project.
  • The use of the actors face creeping up from the bottom of the poster is really effective as it shows she is afraid. 
  • The use of the woods in the background gives an idea of where it takes place, this could be useful for us to use as it would attract people to watch the film as they know it will be creepy.

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