Monday 31 January 2011


As we have now uploaded our video to youtube we have  posted links to let people know about our trailer to try and get some feedback from them about what they think of it. Any feedback is good feedback for us.
we have 2 comments on our youtube page.

we also have 1 person that have liked our video, this is good for us as it lets us know that people have liked viewing our trailer. the feedback we got through the comment is also useful to us as they have left us some constructive criticism, but i believe they thought it was a full trailer, which means now we should state that it is a teaser trailer.

Kate and Katie also had some comments posted on their trailer blog entry.

The comments in grey were left on Katie's blog page, giving us positive feedback to our trailer as the two people who left the comments really liked it. 
The comment in orange was left on Kate's blog, it also gives us some positive feedback which is good as we now see that our trailer is very effective 

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